Youth Dynamism and Empowerment through Culture and Sports – Oration Piece


by: Lovella Chris L. Palma

To the distinguished board of judges, to the faculty and staff of Northwestern Visayan Colleges, students, guests, good afternoon.

“It is possible for civilization to flow with nostalgia while there is YOUTH in the world.”

Everything happens for a reason and respectively, everybody is created for the attainment of a distinct purpose.  An unusual objective enables every individual to manufacture and establish their personal way of making decisions towards the betterment and improvement of the society they are living in.

Adolescent stage is considered to be the most crucial period in one’s life. Unlike changes that manage to vary every day and in any means, these changes which brings about uncertainty and panic.

Youth, as a diaphanous factor do possess the skill of making our community better with just a blink of an eye, and a press of button. They, as a part of the said institution must know how to be sociable enough in engaging to the said activity such as carrying out Intramural activities: in sports and in cultural presentations.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, NVC as an institution gathers together to celebrate their annual Intramurals with a stipulated theme “Youth Empowerment and Dynamism through Sports and Culture.”

As the theme states, Youth’s responsibility was given emphasis – their responsibility in preserving the culture of their own lineage. Learn to live the values they neglect for the longest time. Avoid the so called taboo beliefs and traditions. Participating in any given activity by the school would be a stepping stone in developing our community as a whole. Involvement in the activities during Intramurals would also be a factor for youth empowerment. Joining in any sports tournament is beneficial in promoting balance between body and mind. This develops the confidence, health, sportsmanship, agility and vigor of the youth which in the future could boost the success of the country. As our national hero once said, “The youth is the future of our nation”.

Ladies and gentlemen, sports and culture is starting to fade and lose its effect to an individual, especially, the youth of this digital millennium. My dear NVCians, can you guess why? I gather it is the proliferation of social media, smart phones, and the like. Fingers stroking the screens of gadgets are the closest thing most teenagers have to exercise. Headsets stuck to the eardrums while dancing to the tunes of “Gangnam Style” or “Gentleman” is the closest thing teens have to  cultural expression. However, we do have famous Filipinos who despite of their success still looks back to their roots and uplift it. Aple de Ap is a worldwide renowned hiphop artist and he is proud to be a Filipino. In his songs, he wrote about Filipino culture and how he misses it. I can proudly say that such culture, if given due importance and reverence is our main weapon in brawling for the game of life. We are survivors. We are one of the best.

Filipinos prove their mettle in sports as they harvest medals in different events. In the international level, Filipinos carved their way to prove to be the best of the best.

The birth of the Philippine Sports Commission in 1987 Constitution affirms the importance of sports in fostering self- discipline, teamwork and excellence in the development of the healthy and functioning citizenry. Moments like the one Gilas Pilipinas created for us in a magical two-day stretch. Gilas Pilipinas already won the most important battle in the tournament. It’s not the gold medals or the tickets to Spain for the 2014 Fiba World Cup. Gilas Pilipinas won the battle for Filipino pride. Gilas Pilipinas won battle for the basketball swagger. And Gilas Pilipinas wasn’t just the 12 men who fought gallantly on the hardcourt. Gilas Pilipinas was everyone who believed in and that we could carve the Filipino pride on a worldwide pedestal.

The Philippine Dragon Boat Federation (PDBF) did the country proud, winning four medals in the recently – concluded 11th IDBF Dragon Boat World Championship in Szeged, Hungary.

More than 4,000 athletes from over 30 countries participated in the championships at the Tisza River and Szegged Olympic Center from July 23 to 28. “Filipino said that they were proud to have been represented in the championships against strong national team such as Canada, China, Australia, the USA and other nations. The Philippine team was proud that despite all the odds that they faced to get to Hungary, their strong will and determination contributed to their successful performance.

Moreover, other Filipino athletes won their spots by participating in various qualifying matches around the world even as other see Filipino with criticism about our height we can prove it that height doesn’t matter just like Jasmine Alkhaldi that despite of his short stature—he’s only five feet tall—Barriga is thought to be a strong contender for an Olympic gold medal. This 19-year-old may call his mother Melita, “momsky”, but his first place finish at the Sydney Jackson Memorial Tournament in Uzbekistan for the past two years shows that he is a fighter to reckon with.

There are also three athletes had competed in Beijing, including weightlifter Hidilyn Diaz, who became the nation’s first female flag bearer at the opening ceremony. Among the sports played by the athletes, Philippines marked its Olympic return in cycling, and in judo. So, as one of the female athlete of this institution I can say that no matter what you are or what kind of sexuality you posses, we the youth of this country plays a big role in shaping, enhancing and outing back our flag to stand not only here but around the globe.

Fellow NVCians, I considered myself a participating athlete here in school, I can say that youth is still the key for our nation to be known not only in our native culture but also in sports in which indicates the perseverance of every citizen of this country become one for success. Now that I had given my view and partake it to all of you, I challenge you today, let us all work together in promoting “Youth Dynamism and Empowerment through Culture and Sports”.

The future rests in our hands. Would you sit there watching our culture and sports slowly fade or would stand and fight for its preservation and continuation? My name is Georjene dela Cruz, I am one of you and I will stand and fight! Once again, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon..

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